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Sirma Guven

Founder, The Kitchen Project

Educator, Food Writer, Researcher

Sirma was born into a fourth generation of organic family farming.

She graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Education and went on to study terminology at Nantes University with a completion of Occupational French. The then studied Terminology of Gastronomy at the university in İzmir and had a scholarship at the the Institute Paul Bocuse. She holds a Master’s degree in “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. She has pioneered many innovative and creative international food projects regarding creative urban planning and gastronomy tourism. She has represented Turkey in many international congress’ and festivals in France, Denmark, and Spain. She coordinated the Urla Artichoke Festival and became the international festival director for the first 3 years. She began her own business as a consultant for food entrepreneurs and as a developer of national or international innovative gastronomic and gastronomic tourism projects. She is the Izmir representative for “DeliceNetwork-Network of the Good Food Cities of the World” and works with Media Turkey to share the promotion of the culinary heritage of the Mediterranean countries.